Month: February 2021 Page 2 of 3

Media Role In creating Hostility Toward Police

Harvey’s Introduction

The media continually turns any shooting of a black man (of which there are very few) into an example of racism. It almost never turns out to be the case, but the public never hears that.

Is Censoring by Tech Companies Protected From Liability

Harvey’s Introduction

The Communications Act Section 230 protects tech companies from lawsuits under many circumstances. It allows certain kinds of censorship. The tech companies have acted as if there no limits on their ability to censor. Mr Hamburger argues persuasively that their excesses may (and perhaps should) lead to courts ultimately defining those limits. This article is a very good review of the issues.

Speech and Sedition in 2021

Harvey’s Introduction

“Liberal” are advocating for limiting or reducing freedom of speech because their view about misinformation. They don’t even get the irony that they spew lots of misinformation themselves. They thought Trump attacked the press and don’t want that to happen. And, to boot, they call Trump fascist. Hah!

Reality Check for a $15 Minimum Wage

Harvey’s Introduction

No matter what economic studies show, Democrat politicians push for higher national minimum wages. They ignore the fact the the number of entry level jobs shrink, that worst hit are small businesses in lower wage areas, and increases in prices to consumers. Ignore the science and do what feels good. Incredibly stupid.

Who Actually Won the Election – Biden or Trump

Harvey’s Introduction

Dennis Prager wrote an interesting article after the presidential election expressing his agnosticism about the election results. I share many of his questions as well. I wont be satisfied that Biden won honestly until there is am independent audit of the mail-in ballots.

Capitalism vs Socialism

Harvey’s Introduction

I wrote this last year after reading about larger percentages of millennials believed socialism was a better economic system than capitalism. Incredibly stupid and uneducated, but they believe it. This brief essay only deals with one aspect of the comparison – and is not an exposition on the banality of socialist thinking and the lack of morality in those systems.

The Dark Side of the Minimum Wage

Harvey’s Introduction

Economists have known for years that raising the minimum wage above market rates harms the very people it is supposed to help. By misleading the public, Democrat politicians can pretend to help the poor while actually hurting them. I don’t know if these politicians are ignorant, stupid or malevolent. Maybe all three.

Andrew Cuomo Was a Villain All Along

Dr Shanker is a radiologist who works in the health policy arena. This article reviews some of the many failures of Governor Cuomo. Remember, this is the New York Governor who was lauded for his leadership during the Covid crisis, received an Emmy for his press conferences and constantly praised for his great leadership in comparison to red state governors like DeSantis of Florida. He certainly is articulate and presentable. He also is a liar and his policies directly lead to the deaths of thousands of people and then he lied about it and tried to move the blame to others. Despicable.

Woke revolution looms for schools in Minnesota

Another article on how critical race theory is invading our public schools, this time in Minnesota.

Inciting Violence by Public Figures.

Harvey’s Introduction

This article by Mollie Hemingway shows two things – both not new. First, the hypocrisy of Democrats in calling for Trump’s impeachment because of his alleged incitement of riots and not calling for the impeachment of Democrats who are on record at inciting violence. Second, the record of Democrats actually inciting violence.

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