Year: 2020 Page 1 of 12

Scapegoating Walmart

Harvey’s Introduction

When people in government abuse the considerable power, I am outraged. The Justice Department’s suit of Walmart, blaming them for contributing to the Opioid is simply wrong. Rather they should have pursued those in government who did not action when they should have. Read this article and get mad also.

Cancel Culture at It’s Worst

Harvey’s Introduction

What happened to this high school girl is disgusting. The behavior of the New York Times and the University of Tennessee is cowardly, mean and downright wrong. Cancel culture is evil and bad.

The Biden Approach to Global Warming (or Climate Change)

Harvey’s Introduction

This essay was sent to me by a friend and apparently the first of a series by Mr. Mitchell. I’m looking forward to them and will publish them here as I get them. This article deals with the science behind the Biden policies for dealing with climate change. He analyzes the science and the policies and concludes the science, by no means, justify the massive negative effects of what Biden is planning to do. Given the space, he does not even begin to cover a number of other negative effects of these policies.

The Tyranny of Diversity

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an interesting essay on how we are seeking diversity of irrelevant external factors like color and ethic background and not on diversity of thought. He highlights the conflicts between seeking this kind of diversity and meritocracy. It has become ridiculous with the growth of diversity and inclusion initiatives in all our important institutions. Illustrations abound in Biden’s senior personnel decisions and his descriptions of why he picked them. Competence? Nah! Experience? Not needed! Running the country should be serious business and not used for virtue signaling.

Cold War With China Is Avoidable

Harvey’s Introduction

This essay was written by a former Dean at the Kennedy School at Harvard. It could only be written by an academic and is laughable on its face. It’s what passes for deep thinking and is utterly ridiculous. He describes why we need to continue to have relationships with China because of our interdependence on trade with them, unlike the situation in the Cold War with the then U.S.S.R. He describes the bad behavior China has exhibited. He describes actions we should not take. All good and well. He then describes his strategy going forward. His recommendation is “…require a clear strategy with well-defined goals…and defending values consistent with freedom.” Can you imagine anything more banal than this?

Biden, Meet Your Frenemies in Europe

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an extraordinarily important article that captures the essence of the issues we have with our most important allies in Europe. Relations are sour with many of those countries, but its not because of personality differences with European leaders who disagree with Trump’s America First policy. it is because they view their strategic interests as different from ours and they want us to more heavily weigh their interests. They want broad and deep economic arrangements with countries that our adversaries – China, Russia and Iran – most notably while having us provide a security blanket for them and supporting their efforts to greater economic linkages to our enemies. Biden thinks he can solve the relationship problem but he can do so only by betraying American interests. On this one, I sincerely hope I’m wrong , but I fear I am not. Unfortunately, Biden is not particularly smart and his advisors love signed agreements too much.

A Case Against Walmart Mocks Justice

Harvey’s Introduction

This case, brought by the Department of Justice against Walmart, is illustrative of prosecutorial overreach by our federal government. Ultimately, it will lose in court, but it will take years to resolve, cost the taxpayers and Walmart millions and be a terrible waste of time and effort. Its a major abuse of power and all because the feds are looking for anyone to blame for the opioid crisis other than federal and state oversight agencies who completely bungled their handling of opioids.

Liberation Day for French Dressing

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an article that highlights two different problems. The first is that Biden’s most senior appointees are retreads from previous Democrat administrations who believe in the theory that decisions are best made by technical experts who know the science and the facts. The second is that these experts always, always go as far as they can in extending their power. Regulatory modesty is impossible in government.

Biden’s Climate All Stars

Biden’s theory of the climate change involves reducing the use of fossil fuels as the end product of energy production. To that end, he must appoint religious adherents of this sect to key positions. Ms Granholm is one of the high priestesses who has demonstrated fully her ability to sacrifice tax payer dollars on this altar. Amazing incompetence as an investor of public money combined with absolute assurance she is right. She’ll now be in a position to throw away billions of dollars and not learn a thing.

Soviet Politics, American Style

Harvey’s Introduction

The author describes how the press supported Soviet ideology over the years and how our press is copying that strategy. In so doing, the press has lost its objectivity and, with that loss, it’s credence,

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