About The Site

Conservative Cynic will publish or republish essays (Sometimes videos as well) written by me and others on matters of current interest.  I am a conservative; you can expect a conservative voice on these issues.  However, I will publish essays from the progressive or left perspective as well.  When I do so, I will comment to point out areas in which I agree and, when I disagree, why I do so. Mostly, it will challenge leftist nonsense and illogic.

I welcome essays or reprints by others.  Any subscriber can suggest other essays to be published and/or make comments by going to Contact Us on the Home Page. Readers can also comment on individual articles as well.  I will review suggestions and comments and, if they add to the discussion, I will publish them. if they simply express a point of view without logic or facts or an emotion, I will not. .

In addition, I have archived  articles I have written over the years for anyone interested in reading them.  In each case, I will offer a current comment indicating where I’ve changed my mind or want now to provide additional color.


About Me

My father was an immigrant brought to this country by his parents as a young boy and my grandparents on my mother’s side were immigrants as well – all from Eastern Europe.  I was raised in Brownsville, a community in Brooklyn, N.Y. and my family moved to Oceanside on Long Island when I was 13.  I went to college at Cornell and NYU.

 Over a long career, I spent the most time as a consultant with McKinsey and Co. where I was a senior partner and at American Express, having served as CEO of what is now known as Ameriprise (then known as IDS Financial Services) and then Chairman and CEO of American Express Company.

On a personal basis, my wife and I have four children and nine grandchildren, all of whom we adore.

During my retirement and before, I served as chairman or member of the board of a number of public companies – including AIG, Hess Oil, Campbell Soup, Readers Digest, Dow Jones among others and several important hospital and cultural groups in New York and Minneapolis.

I  now work with small companies in which I have invested and with charitable organizations near and dear to me, most notably American Enterprise Institute, Manhattan Institute, Jupiter Medical Center, Lincoln Center and the Maltz Jupiter Theatre.

My wife and I move to Florida on a permanent basis some years ago after we became fed up with the stupid politics and onerous tax cost of being a resident up north. I am glad we made the decision. I just hope that new people moving here To Florida forget how their voting ruined northern states so that all of us can continue the benefits of living in a state where the government still understands economics.

‘’Finally, I love my country. It was founded by men who understood human nature and crafted a government that reflected that understanding and built on universal ideas of  individual rights and freedoms do  free markets. They were brilliant and I am in awe of them. Let’s not screw up what better men have designed.