Kamala Harris’ visit to “Not the Border”

Harvey’s Introduction

An interesting essay on Veep Harris visit to Central America and a list and links to a bunch of other articles you may find interesting

Harvey’s Introduction

Tom Hanks, the famous actor, tried to be woke. He found out its impossible to be woke enough.

A Tale of NYC vs Florida by a New Yorker

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a tale of a New York family who moved to Florida during the pandemic. She could make the smart family decision. think of all the people who had to live with the decisions of Governor Cuomo and Mayor DiBlasio.

Review of the Israel/Palestine Story and Media Coverage

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a reasonably thorough review of the conflict and the media coverage of it. Originally written in 2014 but completely applicable today.

Facebook Censorship in the Guise of Fact Checking

Harvey’s Introduction

Tierney does a particularly good job of critiquing Facebook’s “fact-checking”, which is really a form of censorship. He shows good examples. If Facebook wants to censor(let’s not confuse what they do with fact checking), they should be treated legally as publishers and be subject to the same laws as other publishers.

Harvey’s Introduction

Remember when Trump’s claim of the virus being loosed on the world by a lab in Wuhan, China was called a “debunked conspiracy theory” and dismissed by establishment scientists, the U.S. press and mainstream media and blocked from Twitter and Facebook?. Why that reaction? Well, I think it was because it was claimed by Trump and Trump could never be right.

The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement

Harvey’s Introduction

This is the English version of the Hamas charter as prepared by the Law Library of Yale Law School. Anyone who believes peace is possible with Hamas is delusional. Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinians in Gaza and, if elections are ever again held in the West Bank, they would win there as well. To be clear, the want to eliminate the state of Israel and its Jewish population. They believe this is a matter of religion in which any land ever under Muslim domination is always a Muslim land.

Harvey’s Introduction

McCarthy writes another clear, incisive essay on how race demagogues vilify police and “white privilege” as the racial problem in our country.

Less Than Meets the Eye

Less Than Meets the Eye How admissions officers could be setting up minority students for failure by   James Piereson     Naomi Schaefer Riley Manhattan Institute  City Journal    May 4, 2021 Admissions officers around the country can hardly contain themselves. With their schools seeing record numbers of applications and acceptances for minority students, they […]

Biden’s Not-So-Clean Energy Transition

Biden’s Not-So-Clean Energy Transition The International Energy Agency exposes the hidden environmental costs and infeasibility of going green. By Mark P. Mills Wall Street Journal  May 11, 2021 The International Energy Agency, the world’s pre-eminent source of energy information for governments, has entered the political debate over whether the U.S. should spend trillions of dollars to […]

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