Category: Racial Justice/Bias

Unspeakable Truths about Racial Inequality

Harvey’s Introduction

This one of the best reviews of the real situation with regard to the racial problems in our country from a very thoughtful man. Read it twice and then pass it on to your friends.

Media Role In creating Hostility Toward Police

Harvey’s Introduction

The media continually turns any shooting of a black man (of which there are very few) into an example of racism. It almost never turns out to be the case, but the public never hears that.

About “Whataboutism”

Harvey’s Introduction

This is a fascinating read on the the subject of changing the subject. I enjoyed it immensely.

Woke Elementary

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in Cupertino

“Antiracism” Comes to the Heartland

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in Missouri

Radicals in the Classroom

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in San Diego

States Can Reject Critical Race Theory

Harvey’s Introduction

Critical Race Theory sounds like a scientific look at something. It’s not. It is scientifically unsound and morally bankrupt.

The Tyranny of Diversity

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an interesting essay on how we are seeking diversity of irrelevant external factors like color and ethic background and not on diversity of thought. He highlights the conflicts between seeking this kind of diversity and meritocracy. It has become ridiculous with the growth of diversity and inclusion initiatives in all our important institutions. Illustrations abound in Biden’s senior personnel decisions and his descriptions of why he picked them. Competence? Nah! Experience? Not needed! Running the country should be serious business and not used for virtue signaling.

Affirmative Action: An Interview with Glenn Loury

Harvey’s Introduction

Glenn Loury is a truly outstanding scholar and economist who has written and discussed affirmative action in theory and in practice. This edited transcript of an interview of him is worth reading. You will learn.

The Bias Factory

Harvey’s Introduction

There are large gaps in the status between blacks and other Americans. Many blame these differences on bias across almost all institutions, processes and businesses. Heather MacDonald utterly destroys their thesis with data and facts. The gap is not due to bias, it’s due to a skills gap. Efforts to solve the problem by treating the problem as bias related will only continue to divide the country and maintain the gap.

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