Category: Critical Race Theory

What the Media Didn’t Tell You about the Chauvin Case

Harvey’s Introduction

Dennis Chauvin was convicted of murder by the system but the jury and the world also convicted him as a racist, although there was no evidence of that alleged or presented at his trial. You would not realize that until you noticed that race mongers in the White House, the Congress and the progressive press simply wanted to reinforce their narrative of institutional racism throughout the justice system. Evidence is not needed if the criminal is black and the policeman is white. Andrew McCarthy does an excellent job explaining this as always in his essays.

Racism Teaching in Schools

Harvey’s Introduction

I’m way behind so I’m posting a number of articles without an introduction. I’ll try to catch up later

How Equality Lost to ‘Equity’

Harvey’s Introductions

It used to be that we sought to create “equality of opportunity” for black people as the ideal end state – eliminating any legal or structural impediments to education, jobs or housing. Many of us believe we have basically achieved this result. But, but achieving equality of opportunity has not resulted in equality in outcomes. As a result, the goal posts have been moved from achieving equality to achieving equity – meaning equality of outcomes by race. Progressive Democrat policies and social warriors have claimed the disparity in outcomes is evidence of structural racism, so deeply embedded, that it cannot even be defined, described or illustrated. Hence their demands have now changed to achieving equity. This change is dangerous and morally bankrupt. It will help keep blacks in this country eternally as a victim class and exacerbate race relations. If you don’t believe this has happened just look at all Biden’s appointments where has put, as a priority, achieving racial equity in the State Department, the Federal Reserve, Labor Department, EPA and every other branch of government. The only way this kind of equity is possible is with complete and total government control of our lives.

Unspeakable Truths about Racial Inequality

Harvey’s Introduction

This one of the best reviews of the real situation with regard to the racial problems in our country from a very thoughtful man. Read it twice and then pass it on to your friends.

Woke revolution looms for schools in Minnesota

Another article on how critical race theory is invading our public schools, this time in Minnesota.

Woke Elementary

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in Cupertino

“Antiracism” Comes to the Heartland

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in Missouri

Radicals in the Classroom

Harvey’s Introduction

Rufo is writing a series on critical race theory and how it is playing out in our society. This article, which appeared in the City Journal of the Manhattan Institute shows it in action in public schools in San Diego

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