Category: Cancel Culture Page 2 of 4

Cancel Culture at It’s Worst

Harvey’s Introduction

What happened to this high school girl is disgusting. The behavior of the New York Times and the University of Tennessee is cowardly, mean and downright wrong. Cancel culture is evil and bad.

Soviet Politics, American Style

Harvey’s Introduction

The author describes how the press supported Soviet ideology over the years and how our press is copying that strategy. In so doing, the press has lost its objectivity and, with that loss, it’s credence,

What is Gaslighting? 

Harvey’s Introduction

This anonymous essays defines the term “gaslighting” and gives a number of examples Think of other examples for yourself.

Review of “White Fragility”

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an outstanding review of a truly terrible book by Robin DiAngelo that has become a best seller. The book purports to describe the sources of systematic racism in our country and how whites should change to reduce or eliminate the racism within them. Coleman Hughes does a masterful job of skewering her thinking, her logic and her prescriptions. I do not urge you to read the book. This review will tell you what she says so you can hold your own if any misguided progressive brings it up and you may be better able to understand why the racial divide is only getting deeper..

Academic Freedom and Cancel Culture

Harvey’s Introduction

Professor Kaufmann analyzes the extent of cancel culture across our university system. He shows that academic freedom is essentially gone if you have a point of view that contravenes what is now viewed as acceptable thinking. He supports his argument with data and illustrations At the end, he believes the only solution is a major restructuring and reformation of the system. Difficult to do.

Universities and Identity Politics

Harvey’s Introduction

Here are nine brief essays from well known scholars on the subject of identity politics in our colleges and universities. Unfortunately, E Pluribus Unum has given way to Balkanization, identity politics, anti-racism, etc, all of which is tearing at the heart of our wonderful country. We have to understand what’s happening and take part in battle for our national soul.

A University President Speaks Out

Harvey’s Introduction

So many college presidents have gone along with the new “woke” culture and allowed rioting and cancelling. This college president does not. A welcome read.

American Experiment on Life Support

Harvey’s Introduction

This essay appeared in the WSJ some time ago and has been in my “to do” folder for a while. However, the ideas expressed are still timely. Our culture, our republic is under assault. I will publish all good essays on this subject.

The Illiberalism of Cancel Culture and Critical Race Theory

Harvey’s Introduction

Bari Weiss was an important writer and editor at the NY Times, who was fired for not being sufficiently woke. This essay was published in a Jewish magazine, Tablet, on what is happening to liberalism in our country. She takes on cancel culture and critical race theory and how these theories are being accepted, particularly in the Democrat Party. Her perspective is as a Jew who sees clearly the implications of this acceptance on Jews, but it is also clear as to the effects on our society.

What Is At Stake In This Election

Harvey’s Introduction

One of the absolute best speeches I’ve ever heard. Klingenstein explains clearly the differences in beliefs about our nation on the part of the two parties and the implications of those differences on our future. Brilliant and absolutely clear.

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